Show Reports 2015 - Part 4: Another Ray of Hope

This show is special! Because remember last year when I was on my mission impossible? And we made it happen right there, at Tiffany's. This year again, it was also where the Regional Carinthian Haflinger championships happened.
On the way to the show grounds

As previously stated, there is tons of real good Haflingers out there and I knew that this year it was getting more and more difficult to be placed. So no big surprise that we weren't. But, we were able to score the last two results above 62% that were needed for the next license! So the show WAS a big win, taking off most of the pressure for this year's season. Now we can take it easy as we will continue for the rest of the year at that level and proceed to flying changes level (LP) after the winter training. 

Warm up

But let's have a look at the two tests. Again, the show took place in a 20x40m arena. Test 1 on Saturday. 31 marks above 6, 22 7s, and OUR FIRST 8!!!

The 8 was for the final halt and salute from the jugde at M, the other two judges gave a 7.5 out of 6 marks for the two pirouettes were 7s, 1 a 6.5. Collected canter with a turn left got 3 7s as well. Unfortunately, we again (!!!) could not bring home 7s for the double counted marks such as serpentines with counter canter which brought 6 only. Rider's seat was 7/6/6.5. Extended canter got a 7/7/6.5. There were only 2 marks below 6 - the transition to medium walk was a 6/4/5. What a pity! It also seems that with all my thoughts on keeping Hafl collected, I am losing in the marks for impulsion as all of them were 6s (also already at the last show, only one gave a 6.5 once) as well as suppleness. Never forget that these collective marks are double counts as well. We ended up with a decent 63,181% but still being second last.
Decent pic in canter

Sunday was even better with 45 marks above 6, 29 7s, 1 7.5 and AGAIN one 8! Three marks below 6 were the result of a what the helll am I doing shoulder in (5/5/5) - no flexion means: nice leg yield, girl! 7s were for the entry, halt and rein back, walk pirouettes, collected canter, simple change (oha!), trot transition. The eight was for the final halt and salute again. And now ladies and gents, we got 7.5/7/6.5 for the rider's seat!!! I have to say that I felt UNCOMFY all the time but obviously, I did something right.
And the trot
The results of this show are a proof our continuous improvement process. The 7 movements become more and more and the ones that I know that we can do for a 7, really come in as a 7 more and more often. Let's now get them to an 8. And the 6s to a 6.5. That is how we can manage to raise our average.

The halts - going towards 7s and 8s

We did not win anything this time, but that is ok. Of course, I am longing for ribbons so badly already as half of a year is gone already and we do not have a satin proof of our capabilities. We will keep up the good work and will be even happier once the first ribbon flies in.

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