Team Dressage Hafl on the way to Aachen - Part 2: Liege, Belgium

Liege, Belgium

After a great breakfast at the castle and a bit of shopping in downtown Maastricht, we drove 30km further South to Liege, Belgium.

MORE breakfast

On the way, we could see typical Dutch and then Belgium houses with horses attached - a dream coming true.
This pony even nickered when I called it 
Hurry, girl, it is raining like hell!
Unfortunately, the weather turned to really bad and it started to rain heavily! We reached our Bed and Breakfast in the city center and the room is simply stunning!

The owner of the B&B told us where we needed to go to get real Belgian waffles. Unfortunately, it rained even more and the way was pretty long - we just reached the boulangerie 10 minutes before they closed. AND there were only two waffles left! They were SO good you cannot imagine. As we looked like abandoned cats in the pouring rain, the owner of this boulangerie gave us some bread for free! How nice of her!

Soaked to the skin -.-
But happy - there is WAFFLES!

And that is all positive I can say about Liege. The city itself is totally different from Maastricht although they are so close. I guess there were too many strange people around today. The owner also said that we needed to give Boulettes Liegeoise a try - meatballs in sweet sauce, something typical for Wallonian kitchen. Well, compared to words!

The meatballs..........

Anyway, it was apart from being soaked to the skin a great day and being back in the apartment earlier than yesterday is somewhat good - we need to get up early tomorrow hoping the best for the weather! Aachen, here we come!

On the way back home - too many stairs!

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