Show Report 2016 - Part 5: Forgetting Is Difficult...
...but remembering is worse! On the agenda of this show at the beginning of August: forgetting your test. Not only once, not twice, I almost forgot it three times (which would have meant: elimination thanks to being too stupid).
We only rode Saturday and Sunday as these were the only days with FEI Junior Rider Tests. The show was hosted by a school for agriculture and horse management. It was their first dressage show and my God, the ring was awesome. It was big enough to be separated into 3 arenas as it is usually also used for carriage driving and show jumping. As it was their first time, there were not too many people and they had invited "nicer" judges as there were several other shows on the same weekend.
So I thought: should be easy to bring home the next two scores for my next license! Indeed, it would not have been a problem but I was so distracted by whatever that I simply did not know my test. After the first miss, I got more and more nervous and things got worse. Actually, Hafl showed some nice movements in the FEI Junior Rider Preliminary Test that in the end, we were awarded with 62.108% - that was so close to the necessary 62%! Judges had to subtract many many points for the errors but still, there were some 8s, enough 7s and many 6s. I had a really good feeling as only a few days before the show, we finally cracked the canter code. It seemed like he was round and steady in the contact and moving happily. Our canter half passes improved a little compared to last time but are still under construction (and might be til next year). We worked a lot on straightness in the last few weeks so he felt good on the outside rein but we still need some work on flexion and bending as especially in the lateral movements, he was a tad too straight.

The next day went better, at least when talking about remembering the test. Unfortunately, I concentrated so much on remembering the test that I forgot to ride! Meaning: the trot work looked like he was falling asleep (with me being in a coma already). Some highlights again in the canter and flying changes but the lateral work was worth 5s only. Also, the medium trot was again not good enough. 63.198% were enough though for our 4th score above 62% (thus, only missing 2!) and as a conclusion I would say it was not a highlight show but it was okay. At least, we get all those flying changes right now and do not necessarily focus on them for the rest of the season but on the lateral movements.
It was a fun show because my trainer, a barn mate and I all entered the same class. That still seems so unreal as last year I hardly could ride an LM test and now I ride with my trainer in the same class (of course, she scores above 70% and I need to do my homework still but nevertheless...).
The next show was only a week after that... more on that in tomorrow's post!
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Me, my stall neighbor and my trainer...all entering the same class |
We only rode Saturday and Sunday as these were the only days with FEI Junior Rider Tests. The show was hosted by a school for agriculture and horse management. It was their first dressage show and my God, the ring was awesome. It was big enough to be separated into 3 arenas as it is usually also used for carriage driving and show jumping. As it was their first time, there were not too many people and they had invited "nicer" judges as there were several other shows on the same weekend.
So I thought: should be easy to bring home the next two scores for my next license! Indeed, it would not have been a problem but I was so distracted by whatever that I simply did not know my test. After the first miss, I got more and more nervous and things got worse. Actually, Hafl showed some nice movements in the FEI Junior Rider Preliminary Test that in the end, we were awarded with 62.108% - that was so close to the necessary 62%! Judges had to subtract many many points for the errors but still, there were some 8s, enough 7s and many 6s. I had a really good feeling as only a few days before the show, we finally cracked the canter code. It seemed like he was round and steady in the contact and moving happily. Our canter half passes improved a little compared to last time but are still under construction (and might be til next year). We worked a lot on straightness in the last few weeks so he felt good on the outside rein but we still need some work on flexion and bending as especially in the lateral movements, he was a tad too straight.
The next day went better, at least when talking about remembering the test. Unfortunately, I concentrated so much on remembering the test that I forgot to ride! Meaning: the trot work looked like he was falling asleep (with me being in a coma already). Some highlights again in the canter and flying changes but the lateral work was worth 5s only. Also, the medium trot was again not good enough. 63.198% were enough though for our 4th score above 62% (thus, only missing 2!) and as a conclusion I would say it was not a highlight show but it was okay. At least, we get all those flying changes right now and do not necessarily focus on them for the rest of the season but on the lateral movements.
It was a fun show because my trainer, a barn mate and I all entered the same class. That still seems so unreal as last year I hardly could ride an LM test and now I ride with my trainer in the same class (of course, she scores above 70% and I need to do my homework still but nevertheless...).
The next show was only a week after that... more on that in tomorrow's post!
Show Report
Horse riding dressage competitions are stress full and always subjective in their judging. To score well a rider must ride well. A strong stable upright rider who is able to apply consistent well defined aids will always score well. A rider who is sloppy, bent over, and weak through the seat and legs will have a horse that resists and does not go on the bit. dressage horses