Cross Country and Cross Training

During my two week long vacation I also took the opportunity to go and watch another horse show than dressage. As one of my barn mates is into eventing, we went to watch the XC on Saturday. The special thing about this event was that after her round and just before the next higher class, the course designer was taking us on a guided tour through the XC course explaining how complex the setting up of such a course is. I never realized before that there is a certain color scheme for the fences, that the plants and other decoration are not just for decoration and that the fences looking most scary where obviously the easiest ones. I had no clue that there is a complete philosophy behind all that – very likely that other equestrians underestimate dressage as they do not see the complexity. So I got a complete new viewpoint and insight into XC courses. And once again it revealed: I will stick with dressage.

You can see me watching and listenig carefully - like in school in front row ;)

Isn't that the coolest warm up area ever???

Fences over fences

Nevertheless, Hafl got the opportunity to do some cross training while I was away. The just mentioned barn mate was taking care of him and freejumping him on the lunge line during my two short holidays abroad. And he liked it! He actually is really got at it, he just did not like the very small trot poles, he loves the higher ones. My physiotherapist was recommending this kind of training to loosen his back and it really works out fine for him. So we will keep this up – actually, he cannot get enough of it. As long as the outdoor footing allows, we will also implement it in our winter training schedule - more on this in the next weeks!

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