All my bags are packed...I am ready to go...

Eventually, Friday, March 21: we are driving South to go on a weekend trip to Italy. Nothing special per se when you live in Carinthia, Austria as Italy is just a stone's throw away. But sort of special when you take your horses along.

As already announced some weeks ago, some guys from our barn and the area around are regularly training in Palmanova on the cross country track as the first show out of the so called Alpe Adria Eventing Trophy will take place there in mid of April. Chrissi is also going to participate in this trophy and when telling me about her plans to go for the training and a ride on the beach afterwards (there are only 40kms between Palmanova and the seaside), I was thrilled to join her. Not for riding in the cross country training, but for the beach excursion! I am a dressage diva - you know that ;)

Since that day (somewhat in Februrary) I was so much looking forward to that date. I was preparing stuff like all the needed documents for the border crossing, packing my stuff in a tiny little but stylish HV Polo bag AND trying to fit ALL the stuff from my Hafl list into the tack department of Chrissi’s trailer. Good news: we succeeded!
There would fit another horse!

This will be the best two (HORSEY) days in this year so far, hoping to come back with lots and lots of pictures and stories!

When I close my eyes, I can already smell the sea….

Nicer pics to come

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