As Seen Through Hafl's Eyes: To every disadvantage there is a corresponding advantage...

You might know by now I am not the buddy type...I do not care whether there is one or a hundred of other horses as long as I am not completely alone forever. The less horses there are in the field the less horses to share the grass with is what I use to say. Sometimes though there is one horse I hate the least of all. When I was younger, it was my human's other horse. He left one day and never came back.

In the last few years there was at least one that could make it to the recall: Wax. We spent some good time together, galloping along the beach, sharing a stall at the trainer's barn, trail rides, jumping lessons...but man, he sometimes pissed me off too when he would not stop pulling my halter! He was kicking my butt, he was biting my chest (I swear he did it more often than I did it to him!). 

He sometimes was really annoying. But his human was good! Always bringing food for me, too. Yes, human, I hate you the least but she was not bad either. I guess Wax also hated her the least.

Unfortunately, they left today.

Both. No more treats from this great human. No more pulling my halter. No more kicking and biting. No more play dates. Wax, I hope that he finds a horse that he hates the least in his new barn. 

For me, it won't be easy (will these lines make you come back? Now?).

But: less horses out in the field means more grass for me, right? (I guess, with this said, not)

Hafl's Farewell Present..Best of Hafl and Wax..

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