[Training Tuesday] The Backyardigans feat. Hafl
Ever heard about the backyardigans? 5 animal children who imagine their backyard becoming an adventure playground.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ The_Backyardigans
When I was back home at my parent's for our first show this year, we also made use of our backyard and did some training in the late afternoon- cantering up and downhill - it's all about that (b)ass...go Hafl, go!
When I was back home at my parent's for our first show this year, we also made use of our backyard and did some training in the late afternoon- cantering up and downhill - it's all about that (b)ass...go Hafl, go!
Though we mainly did it for fun, Hangbahntraining (as it is called) is a serious training method.
The Hangbahn-training is a gentle, but very effective supplement in the normal training or orrection indispositioned ridden horses of all age-groups. The systematic Up and Down movement on sloping ground removes tensions and improves in a natural way not only suppleness and balance,but it also develops muscles at the right placesas well as healt and condition. No monotony in the riding arena, but variety and pleasure in nature! Kurd Albrecht von Ziegner explains how to correctly accomplish this goal. The dvd was produced and supplemented with his own comments.
Kurd Albrecht v. Ziegner, retired cavalry officer ( born in 1918) is know as internationally succesful rider and trainer of all equestrian disciplines. Besides, he is a passionate representative of Classical Equitation. Not only in Germany,but in many other countries, particularly in the US, the colonel voncices audience and readers that harmony between rider and horse is not possible without sticking to the principles of classical equitation.
Source:Hangbahntraining Book
So why not trying it yourself? It's fun! You can use our backyard, in case...
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