1. It is still light when we leave the office at 5. No more searching for your horse in the dark. Some more days to daylight saving time. To be exact, 54 more days.
http://www.horsechannel.com/images/horse-community/daylight-saving.jpg |
2. Shedding season. Not that we like the fact that horses shed, but it is an inevitable sign that spring is coming.
3. No more blankets! All the time that we save by not to have to put on and off blankets!
Yet another new blanket |
4. Warmer temperatures. No more freezing fingers and toes.
5. Less layers for us to put on. Without having to wear many many layers we immediately look like having won a biggest loser challenge.
Pinterest |
6. Polo shirts! We look so much fancier in them!
http://www.edgemere.co.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/6fa354cbb5631e573cf8f8c35b324218.jpg |
7. Not warm enough for flies and co. Riding in the outdoor arena without those nasty beasts. Only in spring!
http://wildaboutbarns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Fly-spray-meme.jpg |
8. Longer turnout and the first taste of grass. Hafl likes that fact most I guess.
9. Show season is upcoming! Can't wait for our first flying changes attempts (okay, no, I could still wait, no problem).
10. Beautiful photoshooting locations. With all the blooming going on, we definitely get better pictures than in the grey brownish winter aftermath right now.
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