Today I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything...

Endless roads to conquer

After a good week of training, twice with my trainer, a bit of lunging and a nice day trip yesterday with way too much food, we decided to have a lazy Sunday yesterday. There was not much left to do as our equipment manager THOROUGHLY washed Hafl on Friday - to have the cleanest mane ever! So we could have an easy Sunday opting for a bike/horse/trail ride. Stephan on his bike, Hafl and me right behind! What a fun it was! And the weather was perfect! When we left the apartment, it was raining - down at the barn all of a sudden we had bright blue skies and sunshine - maybe one of the last beautiful late summer days this year... hoping for a nice fall - I can only guess what the scenery will look like when the leaves start change their color...

You need to go faster, second human!

Here we come in canter whoo hooo!

Laziness in person

Carinthia's main river - right next to the trail

A little pause for a bit of grass

And they cantered happily ever after!

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