A Tall Boots' Tale... Part 1

What if somebody told you that you could have a customized tall boot with all the details that you want or don't want? Lucky me, this week the dream of designing my own tall boots came true.
HHAHHAHAHA - that tickles!

There is a guy called "The Hungarian" (which is obviously something similar to "The Martian") - a mysterious shoemaker from (surprise surprise) Hungary who offers custom tall boots. Everybody in Austria seems to know him - nobody knows where he is from, what his name is...there is only a bunch of people who have his number. So far, so good.

My feet are not the same - we know now for sure

On Friday, this mysterious person was at the barn close to us. What a perfect chance to get my measurements taken as well. So that's what we did on Friday afternoon:

Wow! So that is the size of my ankle

I did lots of research looking for the perfect dressage boot and deciding what to have on my boot was not easy:

Boots, boots everywhere
Now we have to wait for roundabout two months for the boots to arrive - unfortunately, our first show won't be in the new boots then. But I am already so curious what they will look like...how about you? Any custom boots to share with us? Favorites?

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