[Motivation Monday] A Huge Shout-Out To...ME!

Believe it or not, today, I am my biggest motivation. Me, yes, me! Why? Because after more than 30 years, I eventually managed to loose weight. No, I mean literally! I am super duper proud of myself that I started a fitness journey last year November and now, slowly but steadily, I am seeing results. Am I beach ready? By far not! Do I look good in my white breeches? I doubt that. But still, I have lost some weight, I lost some centimetres here and there and for sure, I gained some muscles and strength.

Meanwhile, Hafl...

I guess if you asked me a year ago, whether I would ever join a fitness club or go to the gym, I would have said something like NEVER EVER. I was complaining about those extra fat storage areas on my body for years, I did some yoga and Zumba here and there, I tried to motivate myself, was successful over some weeks or sometimes months. But I never ever really thought about changing my diet or really starting to work out.

And then there was last week, when there was a public holiday in Austria on Thursday and I made use of a bridge day to have a long weekend. I went to the gym. Not once, not twice, but actually, I went there five times last week. And I enjoyed it. It feels good to be stronger, to survive yet another set, to run that extra "mile" on the cross trainer. I was close to dying when doing the fat burn program (30mins) on the latter, today, I for sure feel that I am doing something but I am no longer dying.

With the change of diet, it did not take too long to see the results. To be honest, I still see myself pretty much the same than half a year ago. But when I put on those summer skirts who had been hiding in the back of the closet for the last few months, I feel a tremendous change. There were skirts and dresses I could not put on in autumn which are now close to or are already too big. Loose fit as I call them now.

I guess it is not a major achievement to loose so little over such a long period of time but that does not matter to me. It matters that I did not give up, that I kept and keep going. Will I be bikini fit in a few weeks? I hope so, but even if not, I will be closer to my ideal than a year ago.

Enyoing ice-cream and coffee at the lake after 45mins of Nordic walking (after I rode my bike, my horse and was on the cross trainer before - what a Sunday!)
And what matters most, I feel the difference in my riding. Hafl might still have to carry pretty much the same weight, but at least my core is getting stronger making it easier for him to carry me.

That is why I need to say "Wow, I am proud of you" to myself. I would have never thought that I would be persistent enough to do it. Today, I tried on the dress that I bought I guess nine years ago and that NEVER EVER fitted. Today, I could close the zipper, it is still a mess around my butt, but I did not tear it apart and I could walk. So there is hope that after all the years I will be able to wear it one day.

At least, a little difference already...

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